I am assuming that if you are a resident of Central Ohio you know about COSI – either from a field trip years ago to the “Old COSI” or taking your little ones to little kidspace to explore and play. But, if you live under a rock, let me just state that COSI is a terrific hands-on science museum with tons of activities for children and adults. They have incredible exhibits each year (Titanic was awesome), but even without the exhibits visitors can have a great day playing. Similar to the Columbus Zoo, I’d suggest getting a membership because after about two and half visits it pays for itself.
If you are looking for way to get your kids out of the house and learn some cool things, consider signing them up for a COSI camp or workshop this summer. They still have plenty workshops available for early childhood, preschool, and grade school. Some are single-day camps and others are weeklong camps that focus on art, industry, science, and many other educational topics kids love. For example, one of their workshops for preschoolers is about farm fun where kiddies get to explore agriculture, dirt, animals, and they get to plant their own seeds to take home. I love the “Our Earth” weeklong camp for kindergarteners and first graders, because children learn about rain forests, oceans, and rocks and minerals.
The kids and I were invited to a sneak preview of the summer workshops, and they loved it. My son was Picasso of the soap bubbles, my girl was pretending to be an entomologist observing and holding Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches (eek!), and they both almost got in an Oobleck fight. Dr. Seuss would be proud. COSI is great about providing hands-on learning activities for kids…and adults, so we get to be just as involved as our tiny counterparts! Here’s a link to the fun stuff offered this summer: COSI Summer Workshops.
Please note, if you missed the Big Machines parked out front of COSI earlier in June, don’t miss FarmDays. August 15 – 19, 2012, there will be huge farming equipment arranged for kids to learn about and explore. So much fun!
333 West Broad Street,
Columbus, OH
(614) 228-2674
Just so you know:
- Workshops are a bit pricey, just fyi.
- Plan your day. If you don’t have a membership but your child is doing a workshop, consider spending the day. They have a cafe, movie offerings, and tons of activities that will keep you and your family busy. If you have a membership, take your little one to little kidspace while your older child is in camp.
- Parking is not included in a membership, but you do get lots of other benefits: http://cosi.org/membership.
Disclosure: The kids and I received free admission to attend the sneak preview of summer workshops. Thanks COSI for a great afternoon!