Yesterday, Delaware kicked off their county fair and the Little Brown Jug with the “All Horse Parade.” People lined the streets cheering on horses and riders as they marched from the county fairgrounds through Delaware’s quaint downtown. I went with my mom and the kids, and we loved it! Civil War reenactors led the parade with a mounted police unit (fighting crime on horseback!), and then there were horses galore – gorgeous, majestic animals that marched along in the parade as if they were meant to be cheered on. Clydesdales pulling wagons, Quarter horses donning reenactors such as Davey Crockett, George Washington, Pocahontas, and a number of high school bands filled the air with sounds of percussion.
We got there about 15 minutes before the parade started at 3 p.m., threw down our chairs right along Sandusky Street, and had a great view. The parade lasted about an hour, which was perfect for my four year old who got a little antsy toward the end. My girl, who is six, was enamored by the horses and vowed to ride one in a parade someday. Parking was a breeze before and after the parade. We parked in a lot just down the street, and there seemed to be ample parking on and off street within close proximity to the parade route.
Delaware isn’t far from Columbus, but if you are making the 35 minute drive to see the parade, why not stick around for a bite or a nice stroll down the city streets? Delaware’s downtown is really cute and full of shopping and yummy restaurants. We, of course, opted for ice cream and made a stop at Whit’s Frozen Custard. It was a nice way to spend a September Sunday.
The fair is around the corner. The Delaware County Fair is September 15 – 22, with the Little Brown Jug taking place on Thursday, September 20 (ticket prices go up this day, fyi). Check the fair site for all the information you may need: http://www.delawarecountyfair.com/ I’ve mentioned before that I really like this fair – it is small, parking is free, and it has a great “neighborhood” feel to it. Check it out!