Another guest post from the awesome iCate. Cate is currently a SAHM who was laid off from corporate America two years ago. She used to
Category: Guest Post
Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Cleveland, OH
Another great post from iCate!! She is an adorable girl who gives me awesome pointers on running. Cate is currently a SAHM who was laid
Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, OH
This post is from my first guest blogger of the new year!! She is an adorable girl who gives me awesome pointers on running. Cate
Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center (MAC) in Worthington, OH
I met this guest blogger when I was working in media relations years ago. She was a freelance producer and seriously knocked my socks off
Rock Climbing at Vertical Adventures in Columbus, OH
This guest poster recently moved to Columbus, Ohio and she is embracing the city. She is a terrific person who I met at a writing
Stratford Ecological Center in Delaware, Ohio
I am loving my guest bloggers! My next guest post is from a true local girl who has a big heart and can be found
Kids are Pilots for the Day at Don Scott Airport in Columbus, OH
My second guest blogger is a friend from my playgroup and an Organist-extraordinaire (Yes! I know one of those!!): Sara Seidel wrangles two kids, four